Selasa, 17 Juni 2008


This is the first midday blog. It concerns the photo at left. It is of ukulele virtuoso Herb Ohta, Jr. and me. Herb stopped by to play live in our jungle studio on May 28, 2008. I think that the show is terrific. It also encompasses a mini-history of the ukulele.

I have been wearing promo T-shirts since they were invented (in the mid-60s). In fact, I once had one of the largest collection of rock and concert T-shirts extant.

When I do these shows I am WORKING. There is much to do with audio mixing and controls, operating Macs and PCs, checking email requests, coordinating with producer Ed Kanoi and, most importantly, keeping track of our wonderful guest and what we are talking about.

We are proud to do these shows live from our "jungle brah-cast" studio up here in the Koolau mountains. But we get to live in HAWAII. And sometimes it is humid. So please, you wahine giving me a hard time about the photo, cut me some slack. (OK, Teresa, Debbie, G'nore, etc.) 

Instead, concentrate on APHO. That's the not for profit ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVATION 
OF HAWAIIANA ONLINE. It is why all these great musicians, and scores of my friends--see Credits on the home page--do this. Our Mission Statement says nothing about perspiration, only motivation, concentration and inspiration.  RJ, 6:36 pm, 6/17/2008.

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