Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008


Timing, tenacity and technology made Tim Russert the most popular political journalist of the past two decades. And certainly the most influential, ever, because of TV. It has been 16 hours since the NBC Bureau Chief and host of MEET THE PRESS collapsed while taping a show.  The newsman has become the news. I  can't think of a thing to say that has not been said.

One could easily say, "He's going to be a tough act to follow." But Russert was not an act. This regular guy from Buffalo became the nexus between U. S. politics and television. The most important of all presidential elections will be missing something. Only as years pass will it be possible to judge the man's impact. Tim Russert's death at 58 is a devastating loss to the Global Village. He invented and defined what he did in front of our eyes, as he did it.

The first "24 hour news cycle'" since Russert died is not yet pau--yet somehow everything is different. Sundays will neve be the same.

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