Rabu, 11 Juni 2008


When I moved to Kaneohe in 1997 there were no theaters here. There were some on the next town over, Kailua. They are down to one. Here we now have two multiplexes. I was at Windward Mall yesterday on a mission to have some custom T-shirts made up. During the wait I decided to check on the current flicks that seemed cool. IRON MAN is just terrific, special effects-wise and features a middle-age Howard Hughes type hero played by Robert Downey, Jr. Jon Favreau, known for comedy, makes the comic book character hip. And Jeff Bridges plays a high-tech character different from his usual roles. It begins in Afghanistan, "current" and all that. One must suspend belief and go with in these movies. I hang out with USMC enlisted men at the base down below to watch NFL games. Once friends, you just might get the real story, not the CNN version. One Marine, just back from Afghanistan, told me that at the start of the war if they took a Humvee around a corner at more than 15 mph, the thing flopped on its side. But IRON MAN is no flop, and worth seeing.
I had to wait for the shirts to be imprinted and returned to the theater with a bag of li hing mui to see Adam Sandler's latest. I think it's his best to date. Not too many who know Yiddish humor in this area code, but this tale is LOL funny no matter where you're from. For this, belief must not just be suspended, but put in orbit. The plot of YOU DON'T MESS WITH ZOHAN is strangely patriotic. The comedy is juicy and off the hook. But this movie is also downright sweet. Ono.

Since I got back into the local music scene I've been surprised by the number of next-generation artists making it on their own. One of them is Herb Ohta, Jr. He must be tired of hearing that he's the son of legendary Ohta-san. His dad is arguably the greatest living ukulele master. Young Mr. Ohta took time out from giving lessons to stop by and play. The day was perfectly still, with even some jungle birds providing atmosphere. Herb's amazing live playing was mixed amidst some of his CD's. Check out his website to the right. And listen to what ten fingers and four strings can do. If you've got an Ohta motor.

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