Rabu, 04 Juni 2008


Yesterday brought an interesting group to the house, Tony Roberts (left) is a friend of an old friend who came to visit a few weeks back. Tony was born and raised in Papokolea, above Roosevelt High, which he attened in the early 60s. At an early age he began studying ancient Hawaiian ways of healing, some of which he worked on me during his first visit. Made my back feel better and he was here to follow up. He arrived with good vibes and chocolate-dotted doughnuts. Both he and his treat made me feel much better. Tony's a good man and we'll have more about him later. 

Before Tony left, Millicent Cummings pulled up. She'd driven in from Punaluu to talk about her upcoming CD called "Altar Native." Those listening to us back in February heard her play songs from the album. I said at the time that this singer, songwriter and guitarist was by far the best new talent I'd heard since I got back into the local music scene. She is 7 1/2 months pregnant. Her CD is coming out at the end of this month, with the baby scheduled for early August. On thing I've learned is that neither record factories or keiki can be counted on to be on time. But Millicent is my "date" to see The Great Nancy Wilson and sister Ann, (Heart), tomorrow night at the concert hall. I tried to convince Ms. Cummings that she might be more comfortable in an outfit that we could pick up at the Salvation Army store in Kailua. I forced her to buy an outfit that I thought would be both comfortable and cool. She hated it but we were in my car so she popped for the ten bucks and we had some sushi. Millicent had never been to the Hoomaluhia Botanical Park so we went up there to check it out. She modeled the outfit, only because I had turned her on to this little-known wonderful place. I doubt she'll wear the ensumble again, unless it's Halloween, but I snapped this photo and we headed back to Da House. 

We listened to one of my old radio shows on the way. It turned out to be an interview with Willie Nelson, which I did when I was at KDEO Country Radio. Willie had just done a concert for us in Honolulu and was checking in from Maui, where he flew after the show. After buying some gas -- at $4.94 a gallon -- we made it back to the house. (Still no word from the Sons, so I guess we'll wing it today. We've done that before, although the last time was back more than 20 years ago, when Brother Iz was still alive. Whatever results will be streaming online at WHODAGUYHAWAII.COM sometime today). By the time we got back Barack Obama had finally clinched the Democratic nomination. Before hitting the rode I had to hear a song.

Millicent insisted on playing her version of Jerry Santos "Kuu Home O Kahuluu" for me. I decided to record it for posterity since she's never performed it before. Just before we started there was a knock at the front door, which is never used, Everyone comes in through the kitchen. "Who is it?" I yelled. "Missionaries," came the reply. So I invited in the two Elders (left), both from Utah, as is Millicent. She proceeded to blow their minds, and mine, with Jerry's classic song and an a capella version of "Amazing Grace," which effected me, the Mormons and her future son profoundly. It was a bizarre day. I went to heat up some of Cherry's Curry Beef Stew from last night and watch Jon Stewart.

Tomorrow the Makaha Sons, who just arrived back from somewhere and are due to come and play this afternoon. Great sounds coming to Da House.

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