Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008


I'm cheering for Barack Obama to be our next president for totally personal reasons. He and I were born in Waikiki in different earlier times when there was more space and less space cases.

We attended Hawaii's most prestigious school, Punahou, decades apart but a major difference is that he graduated an went on to an extended, excellent education. In Obama's time Jeff Bezzos and Steve Case studied at the lush Manoa campus before they went off to invent Amazon and AOL, respectively.  After seven years I moved two miles down Nehoa street to a public school, Roosevelt and dropped out in my senior year. 

When I returned home to Honolulu in 1976 I recreated myself as Whodaguy, went back on the radio as KKUA's morning man and finally had time to immerse myself in Island culture.  From 1976 till 1979 Barry was in his high school years. I became the top-rated Top 40 deejay again and "all the kids" listened while riding to school.  In his touching bio "Dreams of My Fathers," Obama recalls listening at night while doing his homework. My friend Bart was in Barry's home room; he says that Hawaii's favorite son listened to yours  truly, truly. 

In March 2007 a top advisor confirmed from their Illinois headquarters that Obama indeed recalled his adolescent listening habits but wouldn't be quoted.  Can't blame a politician for not alienating others.

But I betcha that Boston's Arnie "Woo Wood" Ginsberg was JFK's fave jock,  The Founding Fathers were better off for not having Top 40 prattle and  music to distract from their weighty thoughts.  But hey, it could be another mythical  LIST to assemble: George Washington tuning in Joe Yocam, John Adams digging Joey Adams, Abe Lincoln "freeing the slaves" then enrolling them in the Allen Freed Fan club. And hard-charging Teddy Roosevelt would have dug B. Mitchell Reed. Where was Limbaugh when Nixon needed him? Any ideas along this line of matchups?

(If this were written for radio I would precede the next line with the sound of the infamous Boss Radio tympani roll).  And now -- here's something that you've not heard or read from the pundits. i Hawaii celebrates the 50th anniversary of the 50th State on August 21, 2009,  How cool would it be for a A Local Boy President make that the date of his triumphant homecoming?

On February 16 I attended a caucus for the first time. My intention was to interview folks from the hood for WDG. It took place at an elementary school two blocks away, which I've driven past  a million times in the past eleven years yet never noticed.  But that night Heia School looked like a Rod Stewart Concert was about to happen or they moved the Rose Bowl to Kaneohe. In 1990 the were 12 people on hand.  On Obama Tuesday more than 900 showed up, some of them waiting more than two hours in a drizzle to finally get into the cafeteria.  Inside it was chaos, confusion and caucasians with no idea of what to do or where to do it.

I fit right into that crazed scene, somehow switching from Independent to Democrat while registering without even showing an ID.  Staying through the entire circus, I munched on macaroons, sipped guava punch and watched tormented volunteers do their imitation of sixth grade teachers dealing with paper pandemonium.  By asking the right questions, sometimes four separate times, I set out to learn and follow party rules.  And that is how this malihini Democrat became President of Precinct 42, District 2 of Hawaii.  I do not have time time or money to make a run for a seat at the conventtion in Denver, is certain to be one of our nation's most historic events.

More seriously. I admire Obama for many reasons. Punahou is Protestant. We Jews were as scare at as were Negros, as they were then called. I didn't come from a broken home, but often did my best to make it one. We drank Primo Beer instead of toking on the choice pakalolo available in the 70s.  (In Barry's say it was called "chomming" I am told by high sources). Peer and parent pressure was suffocating to meet the expectations of a school where one was supposed to attend Stanford, Northwestern, University of Chicago, MIT, Yale or Harvard.  Obama did not go there directly, stopping in L A. for two years at Occidental College.

Hawaii is America's most unique state in so many ways.  It was called "The Melting Pot" long before I knew the meaning of the word microcosm. The words "ka punahou" mean "the new sprint."   I still cherish the values taught at chapel in Dillingham Hall.  The Reverend Kenneth O. Rewick influenced and inspired me more than all the rabbis I was forced to listen to at Honolulu's gypsy Temple Emmanuel.  Although I admit to sometimes I singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" while wearing muslin aloha shirts, only 7% of the population believe that.

CNN just headlined that "Obama cuts Clinton's superdelegate lead to one."  As a fan who has seen Super Bowls lost by a field goals at the final gun, I leave you with these reminders -- Between now an the November 7 general election we will witness results of the Indy 500, Summer Olympics, World Series, countless beauty contests, World Pinochle Championship, rodeos, TV show ratings, God-knows-what from the current administration, congress and supreme court and stuff that started when I began typing this.

To my fellow  keiki o ka aina  Barack Obama, I say: Imua and just remember what you screamed at the end of every game: "Strawberry shortcake, huckleberry pie, V-I-C-T-O-R-Y.  Are we in it? Well I guess! Punahou, Punahou, yes, yes, YES!" 

PS:  You'll be better off with the Redskins than the Bears, bra.


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