Senin, 22 Desember 2008


Mike Deshales and Lonnie on a cruise last winter.

August 11, 1921 ~ December 10, 2008

My former roommate passed away a few weeks back.  Living in Paradise is the easy excuse for missing funerals. Three for me since Thanksgiving, all in Southern California, where the only thing I've truly missed since the day I left in 1997 was being able to drive around and visit my friends.

Lonnie was one of two octogenarians I've kept up with through this year. My friend Bill Mouzis, a sturdy Greek, is alive in the Valley and celebrating having an anti-Bush letter published in the San Fernando Valley Daily News.  My friend Don McDiarmid, Jr.,  a jolly Irishman, who also hit the 86-year mark (and a 60th anniversary) in 2008, is hanging in at his home in Kailua, surrounded by the stuff you would imagine in the hale of the godfather of Hawaiian music. 

With each passing year I appreciate more the Wise Men who've befriended me since before I was out on the street.  Lonnie knew more about that than anyone in my life.  Aloha, brother, I know you are smiling.  Save me a piece of chicken.

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