Jumat, 12 Desember 2008


For those of you paying attention, a giant storm hit our island on Wednesday.  Much damage. Up here on our Kaneohe hill we lost power beyond our ability to keep the website audio online to the server, near Disneyland.  

Took down the Christmas music when we go it back up streaming.  Now rebooting some of the Best Of  2007 Shows, most of which I am hearing for the first time.  Different trip, hosting them and doing the tech stuff, from kicking back and listening on a fine system.

Try it sometime.  The temperature is 72 degrees, I'm typing in my shorts, windows open, looking out at K-Bay.  I cain't even relate to what I see on the news about weather elsewhere, those of your reading this in frozen climes or in earth-warmed years.  Where do all the blogged electrons go? Brrr.  Maybe Rams get HOT this week.

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