Rabu, 23 November 2011


I am NOT dictating this into any software or to a human stenographer. All the wowsie stuff about Nuance turned into a hellish 72-hours when the DragonDictate software turned softer than a day-old manapua. Blew the top off the Snowy Leopard.

Before I could even type this onto another limp software program - Blogger - which is 100-years-0ld in MacYears. Like turning a crank in front of the radiator to start your car engine. But first The Wrong Brothers of posted programs requires that I reset my password each time I compose a new post. But - before doing that one must type in those "security words" to prove that you are not a bot. Words like fleezrty and nortish and bwplyph and zazzzltu. Who doesn't enjoy going through that shit?

Then after the umpteenth email to me allowing me to Change Your Password I do that drill. I am
typing this one letter at a time. Nuance is an oxymoronic name for a company that looks slick online but whose customer service (extreme oxymoron!) call center offers one the chance to wait on hold for any hour - or more. If one is fortunate to reach someone whose English than Ilocano at their Manilla boiler room.

Affable and sincere reps are polite and eager to help - if they only knew something about their products. If NASA operated like this bogus company they would never been able to launch Walter If NASA operated like this bogus company they would never been able to launch Walter
Cronkite himself rather than send rockets to the universe.

Mabuhay: We have a problem. I better stop this before Blogger craps out or my password changes faster than Clark Kent in an iPhone booth.

I read the first chapter of Walter Isaacson's best-selling bio of Steve Jobs. Sucked in for a while until it occurred to me that the dude was on a roller coaster - never leaving the track. Yes he could be boorish and impossible in his attempts to deal with others and the comparisons with Jobs to Einstein/Edison etc. are absurd. It was their building an electronic DNA that allowed them to grow Apples in Job's garage.

Most "radio people" have never even read a biography of Guglielmo Marconi who actually followed in the footsteps of Tesla/Faraday/De Forest and others. Steve Jobs rat-in-a-cage
"focus" certainly contributed to the ways and means by which you are reading this? You are seeing it right? Have you noticed yet that their are no commas in this text? That is because the keyboard will not print a comma - hence the hyphens.

Jobs loved to pull tricks both digital and on people. So now thanks to a whiz-bang tech who came here to straighten things out after an Apple Support guy in North Carolina spent an hour with me on the phone (after waiting on their sonorous hold for 45-minutes) informed me that he and no one there had heard of what happened to my iMac desktop: I could hit the keys but only hear them click. Nothing came up on the screen - just the clackety-click of keyboard sound effects.

Imagine inserting the key in your car's ignition but the motor won't move; instead the speakers blast stereo sounds of the vroom-vrooming vehicle. Or putting a pencil to paper and while nothing appears on the page you hear the scratching of the pencil. Cute little trick Steve-O.

From my earliest days in radio 60 years ago I posited: "The biggest problem in the communications industry is Lack of Communication." So what else is new?

WARNING: Stay away from this dictator stuff. Worse than Hitler or Mussolini or Saddam Hussein.

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