Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010


A slightly slimmer Big Fat Rush Limbaugh is here. He arrived at the Queen's Medical Center in time to thrill the staff and draw satellite TV trucks to the hospital. I was born there in 1937, my daughter in 1977.

The Queen's Hospital, now called The Queen's Medical Center, was founded in 1859 by Queen Emma and King Kamehameha IV. In his initial speech to the legislature in 1854, the King voiced his desire to create a hospital for the people of Hawaii. At that time, the continued existence of the Hawaiian race was seriously threatened by the influx of disease brought to the islands by foreign visitors.

Queen Emma enthusiastically supported the dream of a hospital, and the royal couple campaigned tirelessly to make it a reality. They personally went door-to-door soliciting the necessary funding. The royal couple exceeded their goal in just over a month, raising $13,530. In turn, the Legislature appropriated $6,000. Through six generations, The Queen's Medical Center has become a major provider of health care to the people of our State and a part of the cultural fabric of Hawaii.

So Limbaugh was rushed -- there, I said it! -- from what was the world class resort hotel here on Oahu -- back in the 1960s and 70s. The once opulent "World Famous Kahala Hilton." Little exists of what made the place Beverly Hills West, complete with dolphin pools, mai tais on the beach and a staff that personified The Aloha Spirit.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama, who is also on the island, is being sucked back to DC by GOP screaming for him to be more of an alarmist. Like how Bush 2 would boot-swagger to the gate of his made-for-TV "ranch" in Crawford, TX. With hay bales and a pickup for background. Flanked by fellow war-mongers Cheney, Condo Lisa, Rumsfeld--everyone but Colin Powell (whenever he could avoid the President's working-on-vacation photo ops.)

For these never spontaneous events, Bush wore Texa

s Dude Ranch jeans and slowly droned about: Some nearby waffle house, Iraq or Iran (whichever he remembered at the moment), yellow cake, hot chili, Noo Orleens, Sadam Hussein, God, MLB, CIA, FBI, WMD, ETC.

Alas, it is January 2, 2010. Time for Obama's annual vacation in his true homeland. And with much, much more security now that he is POTUS, not just Prez-elect, like in 2008. The stay was supposed to last into the middle of next week. I think I read January 9. But the visit even began on delay. Truncated from in front. Because GOP senators jerked off until they had barely enough time to get home for Christmas Eve. So Obama sat in DC until Air Force One headed for Hickam Air Force Base, Oahu, Hawaii, to land in time for some Mele Kalikimaka happening at his Kailua compound, across the canal from Kaneohe Marine Base Hawaii. It is the largest Marine base outside of North America. I can see its beacon flashing through my window, behind the iMac.

So we have Barry Obama back home here. He is relaxing at breakneck speed (compared with mere mortals, especially those with no crack United States Secret Service detail.) I mean this whole island is Obama's hood. Or, as I wrote about it in 2008 for my book, released on Innauguration Day: OBAMALAND: WHO IS BARACK OBAMA?

The President knows just where it's at, the nooks and crannies of the aina (land), like any "local" guy. The book also show his Official Birth Certificate from the State of Hawaii and his birth announcement as posted in The Honolulu Advertiser. Most Obama fans love its 155 full-color pages. Check reviews on Amazon. Price is lower, plus there are images from the book, including exclusive family photos and Obama's 1979 Punahou Oahuan yearbook notation about "choomin'" pakalalo. Or in English: Smoking marijuana.

When Barry's in town the entire island is his to enjoy, going point-to-point with the full escort accorded the Commander In Chief comprising federal, state and city agencies. The Honolulu Police Department practiced the run from Hickam to Kailua a week before He arrived. Coming down Kalaheo to the compound, motorists waited up to four hours for the motorcade to pass. The HPD bikes rolled down the road in some kind of Arrow Formation. Or like well-disciplined Shriners in a parade.

Obama onlinepress coverage is literally by the minute. The White House Press Corps always has one pool reporter covering what little they can see. Amazingly, 99% of this year's itenerary is covered in OBAMALAND, including maps, photos, a Christmas section, His favorite shave ice place, scenic sites visited, etc., all same as last year.

This year's movie was AVATAR in 3-D. (Last year was whatever the Batman movie was, DARK KNIGHT?).) Two days ago He was in the Windward Mall, in a reserved theater, while I shopped across the street at Safeway Kaneohe. Everyone has an "I SAW HIM" or I-was-in-the-nearby-vicinity story. The only new place is where the Obama party dined was Lucy's Grill & Bar, near Kailua Library and MacDonald's.

Can you believe that The Man with the Ultra-Platinum, Recession Proof, VIP Mother of All Credit cards, who needs no valet, was driven to the door of this joint just about four hours ago?

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1 contribution
Nov 25, 2009

We used to go all the time. We don't even bother now. Food has gone down hill. The wait staff can care less. The tiki torches are turned off, tables and chairs are in terrible condition. Don't bother going into the men's bathroom, it's dirty smells and run down. The salads have limp lettuce, shrimps are not cooked and smell... more

By now Rush is back at the Kahala, being treated like a king. But, as most haole (Caucasian) malihini (newcomers) and very not akamai (hip) tourists, Rush has no idea of what is happening in his mega-suite complete with with bidet, valet, filet, fung shui, and CDs by Ke$ha. (Thank you, Real Don Steele for those fabulous Fractious Friday signoffs!)

Limbaugh, of course, has no clue about what happens outside his luxury hotel (or hospital room.). Hey, Rush, did you know that a disgusting amount of Oahu's opala (garbage) is shipped by barge to the Mainland. Mini-mountains of the stuff pile up, are compacted and taken to the Honolulu piers, where the trash towers wait to sail the Pacific, bringing The Refuse of Paradise to San Pedro, or San Francisco, or better yet, the House of Limbaugh.

How cool would this be? Rush doing a floating remote, sitting atop this pile of kukai (shit) slowly bouncing across the Pacific, talking to the gazillions of listeners who take him seriously. Please, however you do it, Bubble Lip: GET YOUR OKOLE (ASS) OFF OUR ISLAND!

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