Senin, 13 April 2009


"Wisdom comes with age." Try this when you are 70, kid. 

Yesterday at 10:21am: So, I try to connect with Wally Amos, my friend for 40 years, and FB proclaims: "Warning! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users." Facebook is annoying ME!

11:39am: To paraphrase an LA "underground" newspaper of the 1960s: The Internet is THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES. It appears that Facebook has gone from a cool idea to a TYRANNY. Yeah, look up the definition of TYRANNY. "Always be suspicious of anything free" still applies.

12:02pm:  Facebook tells me to: SLOW DOWN OR YOU'LL HIT A BLOCK. Base on WHAT? Such BS. Like, social life is based on robotic computer software tabs. Pilau!

12:04pm: Hawaiian: pilau -- nvs. Rot, stench, rottenness; to stink; putrid, spoiled, rotten, foul, decomposed. Absolute power is absolutely corrupt!

27 minutes ago:  "UP YOURS MARK ZUKERBERG! Wisdom comes with age, kid." (See photo above. Unless I am CENSORED again).

4 minutes ago:   Breaking News. "Please note that Facebook accounts are meant for authentic usage only. This means that we expect accounts to reflect mainly 'real-world' contacts ... rather than mainly 'internet-only' contacts ... Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you, not a 'social networking site'. Marissa, User Operations, Facebook." THEN SHE APPARENTLY REACTIVATES THE OLD ACCOUNT. Huh?

Stay tuned, perhaps, since I'm "bi-polar," I get two "Facials."

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