Jumat, 24 April 2009


The apartment building across from Honolulu's Punahou School, 
where Barack Obama lived with his mother and sister.

If youʻre still dazzled by the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, I caution you about this next item weʻre going to talk about.  "Obamaland: Who Is Barack Obama?" Itʻs a new book in stores now.  Itʻs written by someone who knows alot about Hawaii...Ron Jacobs, who is a radio veteran...one of the original “Poi-boys from the K-POI days, or if you remember him like I do from the KKUA days.  

Reason why I caution you is...when you pick it up youʻre not going to be able to put it down.  Itʻs a read from cover to cover book.  Yes itʻs about our President of the United States who grew up in Hawaii, but itʻs also a look into our own history as well.   

Itʻs about those famous places that we as locals know well.  And when the book catches up to the campaign for the White House, you canʻt help but smile at the pictures of the enormity of the situation that Barack Obama created as he sought to be Commander In Chief.  You also visit Barack's friends, hangouts, his history which is tied into who we are as a people in these islands.  Youʻll want to put some time aside for this one.  

Good Book, Good conversation piece in the house or gifts to others far away.  Obamaland, by Ron Jacobs...available online and in stores here in Hawaii.

Senin, 13 April 2009


"Wisdom comes with age." Try this when you are 70, kid. 

Yesterday at 10:21am: So, I try to connect with Wally Amos, my friend for 40 years, and FB proclaims: "Warning! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users." Facebook is annoying ME!

11:39am: To paraphrase an LA "underground" newspaper of the 1960s: The Internet is THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES. It appears that Facebook has gone from a cool idea to a TYRANNY. Yeah, look up the definition of TYRANNY. "Always be suspicious of anything free" still applies.

12:02pm:  Facebook tells me to: SLOW DOWN OR YOU'LL HIT A BLOCK. Base on WHAT? Such BS. Like, social life is based on robotic computer software tabs. Pilau!

12:04pm: Hawaiian: pilau -- nvs. Rot, stench, rottenness; to stink; putrid, spoiled, rotten, foul, decomposed. Absolute power is absolutely corrupt!

27 minutes ago:  "UP YOURS MARK ZUKERBERG! Wisdom comes with age, kid." (See photo above. Unless I am CENSORED again).

4 minutes ago:   Breaking News. "Please note that Facebook accounts are meant for authentic usage only. This means that we expect accounts to reflect mainly 'real-world' contacts ... rather than mainly 'internet-only' contacts ... Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you, not a 'social networking site'. Marissa, User Operations, Facebook." THEN SHE APPARENTLY REACTIVATES THE OLD ACCOUNT. Huh?

Stay tuned, perhaps, since I'm "bi-polar," I get two "Facials."