Jumat, 20 Maret 2009


My maternal grandfather came to NY from Hungary by way of Ellis Island at the turn into the 20th century.  When he became established he opened a diner in  New Brunswick, NJ.  How I happened to be born in Waikiki is another story.

But when I get off my okole I love to cook.  I am also watching the kala (money!) like everyone.  So this morning, with the few things on hand,  I created the BAGEL OMELETTE.  ZeroMeat and easy to do.

1 onion bagel cut into 1" pieces
1/4 onion chopped (Maui onions no ka oe.)
4 eggs (Oahu preferred)
1/3 cup margerine (butter OK)

Saute bagel pieces until brown.  Add onions.  When brown,  add eggs. Keep flipping until desired texture is achieved.  It takes on any other flavorings well.  My first attempt was with some catsup on top.  ONO~LICIOUS.  Let me know if you do it, and how it TASTES.  Aloha!

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