Selasa, 18 November 2008


                                   John Kirkley photo

My head has been into assembling
OBAMALAND: Who Is Barack Obama? 
 since July, when I received a contract from 

Honolulu, Hawaii
(808) 848-0711

While working on it since then, Whodaguy has run online without a major break in service since July 7, 2007.  That is 16 months uninterupted operation,  around the clock, around the world.  In every U.S. state and over 40 other countries. Our blend of Hawaii's authentic music and  artist interviews, is heard nowhere else but here.  I repeat, NO OTHER AUDIO MEDIUM. (Hmmm? Why not visit Hawaii online, till you get here?)

Not even on the HAPLESS MERGED SATELLITE NETWORKS who complain about no "new" "product."

Well,  if we are back up when you read this and hear the site: YOU TELL ME: Not bad for NO GOVERNMENT (U.S., State or City & County) OR COMMERICIAL SUPPORT,  huh.  Just me and a little help from the most TALENTED friends in the worlds.  (See CREDITS.  And everyone does it manuwahi, Hawaiian style.)

Meanwhile, thanks - MAHALO - to Ernie Nearman, Ed Kanoi,  Greg Ogonowsky, Kevin Gershan, Michi Moore, Lance Momoki, all THE MUSICIANS and many others, who keep THE SOUNDS (you can hear them, simple, try it)  going while I get OBAMALAND: Who Is Barack Obama? on the press ... and come up for air. 
I don't think Mel Karmazin  did anything creative or amazin' when I was in Los Angeles. His kind (usually not talent  guys, just salesmen)  are OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY.  And that was the old, 20th Century reality. I don't need to pay no limo to ride, and NOBODY pay nobody else to listen to SOUNDS in my ride or in the house

While corporate radio airheads blew up the industry, and let technology take its course -- like steel, airlines, publishing, automobile and other former bulwarks of the U.S. ECONOMY  like "broadcasting" once was, stagnate, these high paid wusses huff and puff and wring their hands and sit on their okole. 

While Karmazin floats around in his doomed bubble, I sit here barefoot, looking out at beautiful Kaneohe Bay, losing no money, doing something cool.  This comes from my living room, while I write a book, living on Social Security.  Only in America.

My name is Ron Jacobs.  I don't just BLOG OFF about radio -- I got something ALL ITS OWN STREAMING AROUND THE PLANET RIGHT NOW -- if there is no more dead air.

unless he puts someone  
from Punahou in to run the FCC.

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