Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008


Da Guy & Two Bears, August 12, 2008

It's been flattering that some of you have noticed the recent dearth of blogs.

Much of this is because of the shifting priorities in my life. And my basic impatience with using a keyboard to communicate. And I have been having a good share of enjoyment in doing my usual, unpredictable, day-to-day things -- always full of mind-blowing surprises. (As the immortal Booga Booga once said: "Garans Ball Bearin's'" on that!)

I am so blessed with the three things that my dad, when he was around my age, often repeated to me. He did this so often, in a manner so frequent that it was irritating. Me? No less guilty of the same behavior. Those who know me best will confirm this in a Makawao Minute. What is important is the absolute truth in the Old Man's maxims: In life, there's nothing better than good health, trusted friends and good karma (which he called "fate.")

Shooting blank blogs is unfair to anyone who bothers to check out this spot. There's no way to really know who or how many of you there are. Posted comments have been scant. Email sent to me directly at rj@hawaii.rr.com has been interesting. Most are sublimely rewarding. Fellow trivialists continually amplify my factoid file. I try to answer, when time allows, those emails that push hot buttons or ask interesting questions.

So I apologize for this Blogospheric Dead Air. The ono audio continues to run non-stop at the home page. Positive response by users, participants and "media" continues to grow. For that, I am most grateful. Certainly more than I can express, sitting here in the flat silence of a one of the most hazy Hawaiian mornings I've ever peered out into.

Hey, I just might reappear in yet another media incarnation, so, if you care, keep your eyes and ears open.

Perhaps I can get down my takes on everything from Barack being in the hood, to the infernally contrapuntal relationship of the current Olympics to real time Reality, some sweet books, compelling TV, new friends (like Two Bears, above), old buddies (like Art Astor, "The Armenian Dick Clark"), newer nice people (like Quiet Marc Shoenitzer) and new persons (like Maika'i Pono Cummings, born Monday morning). Plus everything going on behind the scenes at the ol' web site.

Mahalo to all who do read this, or, better yet, listen to what we've been streaming, Right now I'm listening to a summer rerun of one of our very best visits, featuring my favorite local singer-songwriter, Jerry Santos, and other stuff. I haven't seen Congressman Neil Abercrombie, he will be here tomorrow. I haven't seen him this century. He's a super delegate to the Democratic convention. I will question him regarding his thoughts on the foggy VP race. And suggest all-Hawaiian Obama-Akaka ticket.

So, in a concerto of cliches, I say: "Stay tuned," "The best is yet to come," "You ain't seen (or heard) nothin' yet," "Wish you were here," "Buy American" and "Loose lips sinks ships -- but have other equally enticing applications."

Fact is, I am engaged in a new project, of an entirely different type, which has a time frame that
runs a few more months.

Now back to my less idle pursuits and some lethal pao duce (Portuguese sweet bread), baked
fresh daily in Kailua, where, about now, the cool presumptive dude is running along the beach along North Kalaheo Avenue.

A hui hou from here in bee-yoo-tee-full Hawaii, celebrating our 49th birthday on August 21, 2008.

The management reserves the right to blog at any moment, as events or whims dictate.

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