Art is anything you can get away with.
Marshall McLuhan

During the past two years I: broke two ribs, awakened to my house catching fire that shut down my fulltime online Hawaiian music website, was evicted (so owners could rebuild with insurance money and raise the rent 40%), moved all my stuff (the second most traumatic thing that can happen to you according to several psychological studies, which is only topped by death of a child), slipped and broke two bones and tore up tendons in left ankle, watch all my assets disappear, have been sued by a contributor to my Obama book (no one was paid anything for written contributions; this totally fabricated suit demands that I pay $1,00,048 ... yeah, total b.s. ... and then last month I fell, again, this time injuring back, muscles and vertebrae to the extent I was barely able to move (or sit.)
So the previous blog is now-ancient, pretty much irrelevant. I was wrong re. the NFL scene where it came to the Hall Of Fame Game. My expert friends miscalculated by a few days, The Rams-Bears game was dumped. One cool thing: From April to now I lost FIFTY-SEVEN pounds on my WhodaDiet of hummus (mucho varieties), salmon and protein-power smoothies made with just-picked Oahu fruits and vegetables.
Shit. Back pain returned, must shut down. But this explanation/apology at least gets this info out there ... to any of you who might check this site from time to time. If you do read this regularly unscheduled thing, finding it and/or weird enough to want more, drop me a note at That will brighten my day and perhaps convice me that someone gives a megadman.
Also, if you have a spare Mac laptop you might wish to contribute, please advise to same address.
Me ke aloha and "You can't keep me down,"