Rabu, 07 Januari 2009


Hey, there IS a book.

I have mentioned Ron Jacobs before. Part creative genius/part mad scientist/part visionary with all the parts constantly at war with each other. This is the guy who created AMERICAN TOP 40, and the San Diego Chicken among many other brainchildren. He predicted that digital technology would revolutionize the music industry – 38 years ago. He was the first person to recognize that gawky teenager Cameron Crowe was a major talent.

That said, he also has a dark side. The formerly-Los Angeles now-St. Louis Rams have driven him to madness. It’s understandable, certainly this year.

He was also born, raised, and now has returned to Hawaii. From witnessing first hand the attack of Pearl Harbor to statehood, Elvis, Jack Lord, volcanoes, Bette Midler, and hula hoops he has seen it all. Pineapple juice runs through his veins.

You may not be familiar with him but someone who is is Barack Obama. When “Barry” woke up every morning and got ready for high school he listened to “Whodaguy” Ron Jacobs spin the hits on KKUA. He may even have called once and requested “The Night Chicago Died”, we don’t know.

Other than four years living in Indonesia, Obama grew up on Oahu. The person he was to become was forged on the mean streets of paradise. Not exactly the ideal presidential breeding ground. But Obama was unique and so is his story.

Ron Jacobs has written a book about Obama’s time in Hawaii – OBAMALAND. And since it was written by someone who KNOWS Hawaii, and knows everyone who knows Obama, it’s a far more complete profile than the seven gazillion other books that are out there. Plus, Ron writes in a clear colorful voice.

Did you know Obama was one of only two blacks in a student body of 3500?

Did you know his goal in life was to become Dr. J.? (I hope he’s not too disappointed having to settle for Commander in Chief of the free world.)

Want to see all the places Obama used to hang out? (Much more fun than driving around LA with a map looking for Diana Ross’ old house.)

Want to learn the effect Zippy’s had on his life?

These and a thousand other fascinating facts and stories are included in OBAMALAND along with great never-before-seen photos.

So if you’re interested in walking a mile in President Obama’s flip flops, you can get more info and order at tradepublishing.com.

If he begins his inauguration speech with “Hey, howzit?” you’ll now know why.

Senin, 05 Januari 2009


I have been watching Dallas since they appeared in their silly Roller Derby uniforms in the early 1960s. They were wretched and so was their league. Then, when football people like Tex Schramm ran things they got good, all the way to Super Bowls. All class walked out the door with Tom Landry and his Old School ways.

Jerry Jones is an example of money in the wrong hands. Jones is the George W. Bush of NFL owners. There have been few good ones since those who succeeded the Originals of 1920 sucked most of the verve out of the game. There is a reason Pittsburgh, the Giants, Pats, and now the Falcons, have happy fans more often than not: Their owners truly care about the fans feelings, not just their pocketbooks. Jones is one of those too long to getting things his own way, the rest be damned. Absolute Power results in a an absolutely corrupt excuse of a football "team." The Eagles are lucky to last another week, against a real team.

If one wants to see lopsided games featuring the home team rolling roughshod over the confused visitors, why not watch Friday Night high school football? It is free. Most of the "student-athletes" have way too much to worry about than their egos.

It all starts at the top, and all the money in the world will not BUY Jerry Jones what HE wants. Meantime poor Poke fans suffer. The guy in the cheapest seats cares more about the team than the Dallas owner and his sycophants, obviously, since the hard core Cowboy fan is paying out the bread for this absurd enterprise. And He sits there, with his kid at his feet, face stretched ready to rip as he Watches Romo Burn any credibility this franchise once had. Roger Staubach was a gentleman, which is hard to say about yesterday's losers with overbloated paychecks.

Jones should go run some Banana Republic, buy a General's uniform and go torture some poor souls who deserve it. Jones is an insult to the Game, its fans and the great state of TEXAS.

Whenever I think the Rams have hit bottom all I have to do is check out the Nightmare In Dallas. And we Rams fans know BAD -- but two Super Bowls in ten years is cool. Compared to Jerry Jones, who drinks his own Kool-Aid and lives in delusion.